Marketing Commentary
Showing 6 resultsHow do you adapt your Distinctive Assets to deal with COVID-19?
How do you adapt your Distinctive Assets to deal with COVID-19? Just like Christmas, Easter, Halloween and any other holiday - your creative can change, your message also might but your Distinctive Assets should stay the same!
Read moreCategory Entry Points in the time of COVID-19
- Professor Jenni Romaniuk
This short article focuses instead on how to do the advertising, specifically what to change and what to keep consistent in order to get the most value from those advertising dollars. We suggest a review of your CEPs to assess potential changes on two dimensions: incidence and context. This will help evolve your messaging strategy (if necessary) to meet the conditions of the day, without compromising the brand’s longer term Mental Availability building efforts.
Read moreA Marketing Guide: What to do in a recession
- Prof. Byron Sharp
No one looks forward to a recession, but economic downturns can provide opportunities. Some of these opportunities will come from changes in consumer behaviour, others will come from reduced marketing activity from rivals (e.g. reduced costs for advertising media). Drawing on existing empirical knowledge the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute offers this little guide to marketing in recessionary times.
Read moreUS Brands lost half their customers last year – more misleading metrics
- Professor Byron Sharp
Yesterday, Ad Age reported a study showing that US packaged goods brands typically lost more than half of their loyal users last year. Oh no! The sky is falling…next year we’ll have no loyal customers left at all!
Read moreBrand value quackery
- Professor Byron Sharp
Ad Age today reports:
Despite the pounding global business is taking, the $2 trillion value of the top 100 brands has held steady, according to Millward Brown’s annual BrandZ report. “Consumers are blaming companies and leaders for the current troubles, not the brands,” said Joanna Seddon, exec VP at Millward Brown, the WPP-owned research company.
Wow, wouldn’t we marketers like to believe that, our assets are still fine, aren’t we good. But to believe this we have to close our eyes and pretend we are in wonderland.
Marketing Guide: marketing in a recession
- Professor Byron Sharp
Are you wondering if you should change your marketing plans? Is there pressure to cut budgets (again)? How should you react to the recession?
Here is a report from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute on marketing in a recession.