What advice you have for brands operating in a declining category? Specifically, we have some evidence that the one category we operate in is on a major decline due to the new entrants creating a new category that target very specific areas.
Competing in a declining category can be challenging situation. There aren’t necessarily any easy solutions, but we can provide some top level thoughts and considerations.
There are two key elements to consider when competing in a declining category.
- Understanding why is the category declining (and if it can be slowed/reversed)?
- The potential to grow (or maintain) share.
To the first point, it can be important to quantify and understand the nature of the category decline. If we don’t understand how much the category has been declining and why the category is declining, it is easy to be misled by a ‘good story’.
Category decline can occur for different reasons. For instance, declining investments in mental and physical availability across the entire category. The decline may not be due to any strong rejection, but simply buyers being slightly less likely to think of it for key category entry points. This can also be an issue for any new potential buyers who would have entered the category.
Alternatively, category decline can be the result of competition from other/new categories. This appears to be your leading hypothesis regarding the new entrant in your category. It is rare for breakthrough innovation to lead to an entirely new category, but when it does it may do so though providing improved quality, convenience or category entry points. Other examples include pod coffee (vs instant coffee), craft beer (vs traditional lagers) and microwavable rice (vs cooking rice). In these cases, it is far more difficult to simply win back sales by just investing in the availability of existing portfolios. If the new entrant category is substantially growing at the expense of the your category business, you need to seriously consider expanding to the new entrant category. What are the key barriers to launching here and what will be needed to overcome these in the medium to long term?
Even when new categories have been created and grown, they have not entirely displaced the older categories. For instance, instant coffee, traditional beer brands and cooking rice still exist, albeit with category sales levels lower than historically observed. There are still sales to be had in these categories. However, there can be new challenges when competing with brands in a category that has declined. In particular, retailers may start to reduce distribution and shelf-space allocated for the category. This can be bad for the category overall, but if you have a plan for maintain your distribution, it can mean reduced competition at these points of sale and help improve share.
When brands or categories experience decline, a common response can be to increase price promotions. This can give a short-term boost to sales, but this is only temporary and is usually run at a cost to the business. Price promotions will not help the category grow, but may result in it being devaluing the category over time. Avoiding decline requires more fundamental and sustainable investments for the brand (e.g., advertising investment, portfolio expanding to growing parts of the market).
6 December 2021
Link: https://sponsors.marketingscience.info/frequently-asked-questions/what-advice-do-you-have-for-brands-operating-in-a-declining-category/
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