Marketing Commentary
Showing 8 resultsA Hard Rating for Solo’s brand extension?
- Dr Kirsten Victory & Dr Will Caruso
Establishing a new brand is hard work. In categories where people already have a repertoire of brands they happily and easily buy from, these new brands start from zero for the fight for attention in category buyers’ minds, let alone for precious shelf space in retailers.
But what if a brand isn’t exactly new? What does this mean for likely success? Dr. Kirsten Victory and Dr. Will Caruso, senior marketing scientists at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, explain.
Read moreThe “Market Contact Audit” tool: one scientist’s opinion
- Professor Byron Sharp
Good idea – to conduct an audit to see where (which media) buyers are exposed to communication about your category, and how often.
Bad idea – to conduct this audit by asking buyers to remember where (which media) they receive brand messages from and (even worse) to say which media is more persuasive.
The validation study data published to publicise this technique also suggests the method is flawed.
Defining and Explaining Category Entry Points (CEPs)
- Questions
- Professor Jenni Romaniuk
Category Entry Points (CEPs) are the thoughts that people have when they transition from being a just an everyday person, not thinking about the category to a category buyer who is now thinking about the category. These CEP thoughts act as retrieval cues to shape the options that are mentally available to buy at that time.
This article deals with questions raised by the Institute’s Sponsors specifically about how to define and explain CEPs.
Read moreCategory Entry Point (CEPs) Measurement and Metrics
- Questions
- Professor Jenni Romaniuk
Category Entry Points are the thoughts that people have when they transition from being a person to a category buyer at that point in time. These thoughts act as retrieval cues that shape the options that are mentally available to buy at that time.
This article deals with questions the Institute's Sponsors raised around Category Entry Point measurement and metrics.
Read moreCategory Entry Point (CEPs) Strategy
- Questions
- Professor Jenni Romaniuk
Category Entry Points are the thoughts that people have when they transition from being a person to a category buyer at that point in time. These thoughts act as retrieval cues that shape the options that are mentally available to buy at that time.
This article deals with questions raised by the Institute’s Corporate Sponsors around Mental Availability/CEP strategy.
Read moreShare-of-Search
- Byron Sharp after discussion & data analysis with Ned Smith, Dr Kesten Green, Dr Bill Page & Prof John Dawes
If the purpose of your advertising and PR is to encourage...
... visits to your website
... visits to your dealerships/branches/stores
... calls to your call centre
... online search for your brand
...then you should use these metrics to evaluate your advertising.
This has been standard practice for many years for any professional marketing department. So I hardly need write about it... but lately it’s been suggested that such metrics might have other uses. In particular, “share-of-search” has been touted as something of a miracle metric: cheap and predictive (but of what?).
In the words of famous scientist Carl Sagan “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. So let’s have a look at the claims for share-of-search, and some evidence.
Read moreHow do you adapt your Distinctive Assets to deal with COVID-19?
How do you adapt your Distinctive Assets to deal with COVID-19? Just like Christmas, Easter, Halloween and any other holiday - your creative can change, your message also might but your Distinctive Assets should stay the same!
Read moreCategory Entry Points in the time of COVID-19
- Professor Jenni Romaniuk
This short article focuses instead on how to do the advertising, specifically what to change and what to keep consistent in order to get the most value from those advertising dollars. We suggest a review of your CEPs to assess potential changes on two dimensions: incidence and context. This will help evolve your messaging strategy (if necessary) to meet the conditions of the day, without compromising the brand’s longer term Mental Availability building efforts.
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