Deep Dive into Category Growth Q&A
Join Professor Magda Nenycz-Thiel and Professor John Dawes in a Q&A after our Deep Dive into Category Growth.
One of the biggest factors affecting a brand’s growth is the health of the categories it operates within. Sustaining long term brand growth requires senior management to focus on how to unlock industry / category growth. This means moving from fighting for market share – usually stealing and shifting, to thinking how can we enlarge the whole pie.
We can have the best knowledge on how to grow brands, we can have the best knowledge on how to invest in those brands, but without really knowing where to invest or in what to invest we can waste some of our resources. But science is helping us increase the predictability of outcomes. Over the last few years, the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute has pioneered new research into how industries grow and how to drive that growth under different conditions. By understanding what category growth to expect for categories in a number of different conditions, resources can be directed in an evidence based way to increase the chances of category growth.