Beyond :30


Here you will find all of the Beyond :30 reports, a partner of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute.

About Beyond :30

The Beyond Thirty Seconds (Beyond :30) research program was designed to meet these needs and to bring research-based knowledge to the marketplace. Over the past seven years, the project has conducted what is now, almost certainly, the world’s largest lab-based exploration of new advertising models for emerging media platforms. In many ways, it is the encyclopedia on advertising and the changing media landscape. With over $6 million in funding to date, over 10,000 test sessions have been conducted, resulting in over 5,000 pages of reports across 42 studies. Data for these studies are being collected at the world’s leading media research facilities, including the new Disney Media & Advertising Lab in Austin, CBS’s Television City in Las Vegas, and the Audience Labs in Australia. The project has incorporated a wide range of research measures including biometric measures (electrodermal activity [EDA] and heart rate), facial electromyography (EMG), video ethnography, and eye gaze.

The project is the gold standard for academic-industry collaboration. Every year, the project’s sponsors, who number among the world’s leading media networks, advertisers, platforms and technology enablers, gather to shape the project’s research agenda. The academic research team then applies highly rigorous standards to best investigate each study’s central questions. Findings are shared at regular briefings, where the practical implications of each study’s key insights are explored. Such insights shape industry practice and help inform future research questions; setting in motion an iterative process for learning.